About Dimitri

Dimitri, or Jim, as he was often called, the fourth of seven children, was born on a London Overspill Council Estate, in Cambridgeshire U.K. 1962, to a Greek Cypriot Mother, and an English Father. Below is the earliest picture of him.

At 11 he was awarded a 90% scholarship to a top class, local, private school, by his district council.  Receiving no guidance at all from his parents and considering their poverty, and the impact of the 10% fees his parents would have to pay, he opted for the local state comprehensive school, that didn't go well. More details of this in 'I don't speak Greek/Lamb of God Chronicles.'

Above: Earliest known photograph of Dimitri on the lawn of the family home. 

At the age of 5, shortly after the death of his Greek Grandfather,  Dimitri would make a request to God, that would impact his adult life,  in a way he could never imagine. It was this request that he finished Chapter Fifteen of his Opus Magnum, then titled, 'I don't speak Greek,' that would lead him to the Book of Revelation. By 15 he'd been 'off-rolled' from his local state school, a term used for an improper expulsion, by a religious, brutal, headmaster, after an incident in a mock exam, from which an argument arose over personal, private property.  

By his mid-20's and, despite a traumatic adolescence during which he spent a night being tortured by police at a station in England, which led to him use IV drugs for 5 years, that in turn led to  positive HIV test, he turned his life around and trained for a profession as an ophthalmic technician.  

When the doctor gave him a 3 year life expectancy in 1986, at the age of 24 , he resolved to spend what time he had living, not dying. This led to travels, and with his ability to save, due to well paid employment, he bought what would become his dearest friend, and a soon to be, champion, Anglo-Arab gelding.   

How did we get here and what does it mean? Additional details will be added to Biography Insights, but this is where Dimitri's Childhood request would lead him and, not for the first time, he found himself doing things that he never imagined he'd be doing. And, as the title ' IDSG/Lamb of God Chronicles explains, he neither regrets nor does he take anything back, including the picture below.  From this point in 1999 Dimitri would spend the next two decades coming to terms with, then understanding his experience, and what it meant, to himself, and everyone else, which would lead him to some startling insights into the very nature of our existence, while also fulfilling his new discovered role, to the best of his ability. The journey continues.