This is the most amazing book I have read ever! It is compulsive reading and so personal but giving me the ability to make up my own mind...I have learnt so much history particularly about my much loved island where I knew truth had been totally distorted over many years perpetuating the hatred....thank you Dimitri Jordan, you confirmed to me all my feelings and thoughts which are not easy to share with those who have closed minds.
Five Star Review on Amazon from a verified buyer, for the 2008 print, by Authorhouse, IDSG - Road to Revelations. 'I don't speak Greek' has almost doubled in size and word count, since the first edition was privately published under the author's own imprint, 'Sacred Seal Publications.' All future releases, from this date, will simply be entitled, 'Lamb of God Chronicles.' The author has chosen to omit the article, definite, indefinite, e.g. a, or, the, for the reader to determine themselves.

Written summer 2016, as a release for the personal angst the author felt at the time, and published 2022, under the authors own imprint, 'Lunar Light Publications' and a female pen name, Josephine Li, as he couldn't reconcile this mad, crazy, sexually charged, romantic comedy, with a beautiful love story at its heart with, 'I don't speak Greek' as it was still titled t the time, but as the sub title to this book suggests, it was an antidote for the heavy sh*t, that work inclusive.

In the Pipeline and, as yet, unpublished, Dimitri's second novel entitled, 'A Tale of Two Cultures,' sub-titled, 'The End of an Empire, the Death of a dream, and the Birth of a Nation'. This narrative was inspired by Dimitri's Grandfather whom had an unusual past himself.
The British Military took him from Cyprus around the time of World War One, initially to the United States of America. He was gone two years, never ever spoke about what he got up to, but Dimitri believes that his grandfather's ability to personally put aside any bigotry toward Turks, as discussed in IDSG Lamb of God Chronicles was related to this experience. From which, Dimitri has written a novel that he regards as a bridge between the two cultures and with both, Greek ,and Turkish, heroes, while enabling him in one chapter to dramatize, some of the events he writes about in IDSG Lamb God Chronicles. In the future Dimitri expects to write more work, both autobiographical, and as he enjoyed novel writing so much, novelistic.
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